Gender Neutrality
Gender neutrality also known as
gender-neutralism or the gender neutrality movement, describes the idea that
policies, language, and other social institutions should avoid distinguishing
roles according to people's sex or gender, in order to avoid discrimination
arising from the impression that there are social roles for which one gender is
more suited than another.
Gender neutral in
the modern society.
One of the most common and debated
argument in the gender field is the unisex bathroom or gender neutral
bathroom, According to Dalhousie University, Canada: "A gender-neutral
washroom is one where the signage is visibly identified with open, inclusive
language, not just male or female. It's evident these facilities are void of
gender identity and have accommodations that are especially sensitive to the
needs of a greater range of people. Some people are not comfortable using male
or female-designated washrooms."
The gender neutrality now a days
it manifests it self not only with
genderless bathroom but in Sweden we can observe some political and social movement
especially in Sweden.
One of the first gender neutral school opened in Sweden in 2011 called
Egalia that mean: equality in Latin this institution and the same Swedish state
promotes a gender neutral education among the kids in addiction some families have start to rise
their children with a genderless education using pronoun ad “hen”. Sweden have a lot of project in the gender equality field this is
translated in one of the most democratic
country in the world.
Gender neutral in
The issue of gender neutrality isn’t only political and social but is
also scientific gender neutral person also
known as: “gender blind” or “unisex” it’s someone who adheres to not distinguishing
people by gender. Unfortunately in a few
births per thousand some individuals will be born with a single sex chromosome
(X or Y) and some with three or more sex chromosomes (XXX, XYY or XXY, etc.).
In addition, some males are born XX due to the translocation of a tiny section
of the sex determining region of the Y chromosome. Similarly some females are
also born XY due to mutations in the Y chromosome.
In this case there is a genetic disorder that in many cases could lead
to a total asexuality of individual in other cases could be just an hormonal
disorder or a mental one in all the cases the subject don’t have any attraction
for any other individual.
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