Tuesday 25 October 2016


1. Blackout (a few seconds)
- Sound of a heart beating continuously.
- Underwater audio (distorted)
- Use EQ

2. Film

- Slow or fast paced cuts?
- experiment with lighting and gels/filters
- Use of flashes
Body Parts:
- Eyebrows
- Hands
- Heel
- Ears
- Nose
- Birthmarks and beauty stops
- Skin
- Belly button
- Knee
- Thigh
- Teeth
- Lips
- Fingers
- Block of Hair

3. Non- Diegetic sound

- Kid's monologue voice-over
- Non-gender monologue voice-over (i.e. siri)

4. A person's back

- Using of projector? or paint?
- A sentence
- Stay away from arms

5. CUT

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